Slowly and unpleasantly, a diseased liver can kill you, Chronic liver disease currently strikes about 31,000 people a year, and most of those deaths can be avoided. What can you do to achieve maximum productivity in your liver?
Your main internal organ is your liver. Chances are that you don’t ever think about it, but every single moment of your life, your liver works for you. Instead, find some easy drinks to keep your liver happy. Don’t let your liver down. Your fatty liver or cirrhosis will make you tired, overweight, and your skin and eyes turn yellow at times.
Try some of these natural drinks that keep your liver clean:
1. Green Tea

If you are looking for a perfect drink, look no further than green tea. Green tea is full of antioxidants that remove free radicals. This makes green tea a successful fighter against cancer. Green tea also helps your body to lose fat, relieving the liver of some stresses. The extra hydration from drinking a couple of cups a green tea a day boosts your liver. Try not to add sugar so that your liver doesn’t have to deal with those while it is detoxing.
2. Carrot Juice

Carrots, except baked in sugar, are great for your health. Make carrot juice and add some spinach with some water. Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which has been shown to prevent liver disease.
They are also full of flavonoids and beta-carotene that are anti-oxidants. Carrots are good for every part of your body, so have some carrot juice every day.
3. Citrus Fruits

For cleaning your liver, the vitamin C and antioxidants in citrus fruits are excellent. For their incredible vitamin C and anti-oxidant concentrations, eat citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit, oranges, clementines, and limes. Fresh-squeezed juice can be consumed as well.
Don’t drink the stuff off the shelf or freezer. It is full of sugar and the pasteurization process breaks down the nutrients.
One of the most common liver cleanings is freshly squeezed lemon with water. It’s simple and effective.
4. Green Leafy Vegetables

Like carrots, green leafy vegetables are healthy! These include kale, spinach, beet greens, and romaine lettuce. Salads are excellent, but juiced leafy greens are portable. Plus, juicing them makes it easier for your body to immediately access nutrients instead of having to digest them first.
Juice up your leafy greens and throw in carrots for an extra boost and a little sweetness. Leafy greens stimulate bile and that helps cleanse your liver gently. Your entire body will thank you for a daily dose of leafy greens.
5. Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a spice common in Indian food. It’s also the most powerful spice to support your liver. You can make turmeric tea from ground turmeric. Add one teaspoon of ground turmeric to boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes. Add a bit of lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper.
Turmeric protects your liver against damage and may even help your liver regenerate new cells. It also fights inflammation, a side effect, or even a potential cause of liver disease.
6. Fiber-rich Foods

Fiber-rich foods help your liver remove toxins by increasing bowel movements. A lot of the beverages we mentioned are high in fiber. An easy way to add fiber to liver cleansing drinks is by juicing apples and even cauliflower. For a strong punch of fiber, you can also add bananas, avocados, oats, or chia seeds. In order to keep your liver content, just remember to drink extra water. To keep your liver cleansing fun, strive to blend and balance the fresh foods in your daily juice.
7. Beet Juice
Generally, beets are not high on the list of favorite foods. That’s a shame because it’s completely amazing to help and cleanse the liver with beets, beet greens, and beet juice. By helping to cleanse it, beets raise the amount of oxygen in your blood. They promote the development of bile and assist with the activity of enzymes.
They are made of vitamin C and fiber. From lemon, ginger, or beet to spicy basil and beet to watermelon and beet juices, you’ll find several beet juice recipes online.
Protecting your liver will help your liver keep you healthy. Also, for every other part of your body, all the drinks we have mentioned are healthy and can help fight off overweight, cancer, and dementia.