How to Practice Self-Care Through Nutrition – You’ve most likely heard the advice from someone in your life, be it a family member, a close friend, a coworker, your favorite yoga instructor, a barista at your local coffee shop, or even your nutritionist or family practitioner: “Try practicing more self-care.” But, what does that mean? What does self-care look like? How do you go about infusing not only your day but also your body, with self-care? While self-care is incredibly important, these questions are completely legitimate.
The first thing to note is that self-care looks different to everyone. Your friend may enjoy a good round of cycling at the gym, while you may prefer a good book and a glass of wine. With that said, there is one form of self-care that is essential to overall happiness that everyone should practice: infusing your body with essential nutrients.
Yes! Eating healthy and right is a wonderful and important form of self-care.
Easier said than done, right. Let’s take a deep dive into caring for yourself through nutrition, what that looks like, and simply understanding the root of self-care in the first place.
Are you ready to use your imagination? Let’s start with How to Practice Self-Care Through Nutrition