8 Reasons You Hate Tofu and How to Change That


6. The Texture is Strange

8 Reasons You Hate Tofu and How to Change That
8 Reasons You Hate Tofu and How to Change That

Even if you press the tofu and season it, you still have to cook it correctly and part of that is cutting the tofu into pieces appropriate for the dish. I once went to a restaurant that served a tofu club sandwich where the tofu was a giant block stuck between the slices of bread. If you want your tofu to have maximum flavor and texture, it’s best to cut it into smaller pieces. Thin slices are good for making cutlet-type dishes or for sandwiches. Simply cut the block of tofu in half width-wise and then cut each half into 4 rectangles for a total of 8 thin slices.


I use slices like these for my Moroccan Tofu in Lemon-Olive Sauce and they are the perfect shape for sandwiches like this Bad Ass Vegan Fish Sandwich. Those slices can further be cut into squares or triangles depending on the presentation you want for your dish. Cut the tofu into cubes for stir-fries and salads.
