DIY Skin Care Routine (That Work)

skin care routine
Skin Care Routine

Let’s face it, everyone wants flawless skin. But skin care routine products are packed with harmful hidden chemicals and toxins, even the high end ones cannot fully be trusted with their ingredients. Not to mention, they might cost a fortune.

That’s why everyone is moving towards homemade all natural skin care routines. Using only ingredients you have in your pantry. Along with a healthy diet, and lifestyle, you will have your skin rejuvenated in a short time.


And because we know it might be challenging to know which ones to make or where to start. We got you the best 5 miraculous skin care routines that are all natural, and work wonders. Just decide what is your skin goal, choose your skin care routine, and voila.

5 Miraculous Skin Care Routines:

1-Honey Facial: (once a week)

Honey Facial - Miraculous Skin Care Routines
Honey Face Mask – Skin Care Routine

It is clinically proven to be a miraculous ingredient on its own, healing endless diseases. Recommended not only by doctors, but also professional nutritionists for a healthy long life.


All you need is raw honey or any kind of white honey. Take one table spoon and start applying it directly to the face, covering it all. You should leave it for about 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Honey of all natural products is the best; it’s an antibacterial, antioxidant, cleanser and moisturizer. Yep…That’s right all the previous. By applying this mask once a week not only will it leave your skin super moisturized and soft, but also it reduces acne. It also works as a natural healer for damaged and wrinkled areas. Perfection in one ingredient!

2- Green Tea Scrub: (once every 2 weeks)

Green Tea Scrub
Green Tea Scrub – Skin Care Routine

To prepare this scrub you will need 1/2 a lemon, 3 tablespoons of sugar and some green tea.

You start by boiling some green tea or just pour some hot water (1/4 a cup maximum) on a tea bag and leave it for 15 minutes to cool off.


In a small boil put your 3 tablespoons of sugar, add 1 tablespoon of lemon (around 1/2 a small lemon) and finally put 2 tablespoons of the green tea you prepared earlier. Mix them up and start scrubbing your face gently with the paste you made. Keep doing that for 1 or 2 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Your face will literally glow after using this mask. It softens, purifies and brightens the skin instantly.

3- Egg White Mask: (1-3 times a week)

Egg White Mask - skin care routine
Egg White Mask – Skin Care Routine

We know the idea of applying eggs to your face can sound pretty cringe, but trust us on it, t’s worth every minute.

Not only that it tightens the skin leaving it looking young and radiant, it also helps in shrinking pores. All you need is 1 egg white and 1/2 a lemon to prepare this amazing mask.
Mix them well and apply directly to the face leaving it up to 10 minutes. Rinse after with warm water. The lemon used will brighten your skin and cover the smell of the egg white completely.

4- Oatmeal Yogurt & Honey Facial: (once a week)

Oatmeal Yogurt & Honey Facial
Oatmeal Yogurt & Honey Facial – Skin Care Routine

This is one of the best masks there is for acne prone skin. Oatmeal and honey together works wonders for reducing acne; absorbing bacteria, removing excessive oils and exfoliating dead skin cells.
Adding up the yogurt to the mix only makes it better. Loaded with nutritious components and vitamins; it softens, moisturizes and lightens the skin. Giving it this extra glowing look. It also helps in reducing wrinkles.

You will need 1 tablespoon of each ingredient, mix them up and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it with water.

5- Salt & Lemon Scrub: (once every 2 weeks)

Salt & Lemon Scrub -skin care routine
Salt & Lemon Scrub – Skin Care Routine

Last but not least, for blackheads sufferers, this scrub will be your new best friend.

Simply cut half a lemon and dip it in some salt. Start slowly and gently scrubbing your face or the areas affected with it for 1 minute, before rinsing with warm water.

These two ingredients mixed together instantly reduce black heads; lightening dark areas and exfoliating dead skin cells. However, be careful using this scrub if you have severe acne or sensitive skin.

One last tip, be consistent. All these amazing home remedies need some time to work, so don’t just give up on your skin.
