The best 7 drinks to fight diabetes


(2) apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an integrated pharmacy for the treatment of many diseases, especially diabetes because it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals needed daily for the body.


And also contains the acetic acid and amino acids which increases the sensitivity of the cells of the body, especially the muscles to the hormone insulin which increases the conversion of glucose to energy units Which reduce blood sugar significantly even after eating a meal containing carbohydrates. all you need after these meals is only 20 grams of apple cider vinegar.

The correct way to drink apple cider vinegar for diabetics is to add one teaspoon or two teaspoons to about 180 millimeters of water and drink it from 3 to 4 times a day. It is recommended to eat this drink before the immortality of sleep, which works to reduce blood sugar levels effectively in the next day.

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