3 Easy Steps To Get The Perfect Tan Using Self Tanning Sprays


Traditional tanning methods have become less popular these days because of major health risks. Because of this major finding in tanning several companies have provided tanning creams, lotions and spray to get a tanned skin even without the help of tanning beds or the sun. Most people prefer this type of artificial tanning since there is no significant health risk and the only damage a person may get from them is if their skins are too sensitive and the application may cause some allergy. Among these innovations the one that is gaining the most popularity is the self tanning spray, but there are some things that you need to know to achieve that perfect even tan. Here are five things that you should remember when you apply one.


1. Prepare Your Skin

Using Self Tanning Sprays

Before you apply a tanning spray, make sure that your skin can handle the formulation. Read the instructions carefully and then apply a small amount of the spray in your body and wait for any allergic reactions or discoloration. In this way you can check the quality of the tanning spray and you reduce the risk of hurting your skin. It is best that you remove all the dead skin cells in your body so that the spray will be more effective.

The reason behind is that tanning sprays usually “stick” to the outer layer of your skin. So if your dead skin cells are still in your body, they will be ones that gets tanned, and your tan will not last long. Aside from this, healthy skin cells are very receptive to the tanning sprays and would hold them longer. Scrub your entire body using a loofah or any other scrub and make sure that you exfoliate your entire body especially the exposed parts.

Aside from scrubbing your body, be sure to apply a moisturizer a few hours before you apply your tanning spray. This softens your skin, and it becomes more receptive, therefore making your tan last longer and absorbing it better.

