5 Reasons Why Weeds Affect Your Plants And Your Health!


2- They are usurpers !

Harmful weeds occupy your lawn and control the area in which your plants could grow, rendering them weak and ending up killing them. They fight fiercely, producing biochemicals that undermine your plants’ growth, development, and even reproduction, in a horrific phenomenon called allelopathy.


3- They are parasites

Weeds don’t only steal nutrients from your plants. They also act as parasites, attaching themselves to the roots of your plants to suck up the life out of them.

Thus, they take both your plants’ potential meal and the meal they have already digested.

4- Plants aren’t the only victim

In addition to crashing your lawn and helping themselves to the nutrients of your plants, they also can cause harmful effects on your health.


Weeds on your lawn can carry pollen which is a powdery substance that causes an allergic reaction that manifests itself in symptoms like Itchy eyes or throat, sneezing, blocked or runny nose, watering or red eyes, and headaches, along with other unpleasant symptoms.

5- They are out for your money too!

To add insult to injury, weeds’ harmful impact is not limited to the health of your plants or your health. They also require a high cost to eradicate and tackle the damages they cause.


Do you care more now?

You have a lot to do at your disposal. You still have a great deal of fight left in you. Here are FIVE strategies to aid you in your fight against weeds

1. Pick the right herbicide

Farmer spraying plants in greenhouse

Herbicides or weed killers are many and you may be lost between the wide range of alternatives. To be more certain of what you are looking for you should know what you are seeking exactly.

The best weed killer for you is the one that doesn’t harm your lawn and is tailored to your plants.

Weed killers fall into three main categories; pre-emergent, selective, and non-selective.

  • Pre-emergent herbicides attack harmful weeds before growing. It lays a barrier in the soil to prevent the growth of seedlings of weeds. This type of weed killer would last approximately three months. Hence, it needs to be applied seasonally.  
  • Selective herbicides target specific types of weeds based on their ingredients. This is good for already-grown weeds, as it mitigates the effect on your plants.
  • Non-selective weed killers are the toughest choice for you. They are prepared to fight the most resilient of harmful weeds, but you should take great care when applying them. They don’t differentiate between enemies and allies, and your plants will be a target too.
