There are many reasons people choose to go to graduate schools; make more money at, having a better career, and educating themselves further to name a few of these reasons.
Unfortunately, for most students, obtaining a graduate degree could mean taking out a huge loan – a huge burden especially if they have a significant debt from their undergraduate endeavors. Also, obtaining a graduate degree doesn’t always result in a great pay off. Yes, it
Yes, it is true that you enhance your chances of getting a high paying job but it might not be worth the time and effort if you are going to spend most of your salary on paying back thousands of dollars on your big loan.
Plus, you have to keep in mind the fact that your field may not be of importance in the near future. Here are some areas that have the highest pay off values.
1. Engineering
Our need to consistently find ways to upgrade our standard of living always puts engineers in high demand; so chances of finding a great job are incredibly high. In fact, according to the data comprised by Payscale, different fields of engineering take up the top 9 of the top 10 most paying jobs for those with just the bachelor’s degree in engineering. Under the graduate degree programs, 5 different fields of engineering take up the top 10 spots. Having a masters or a doctorate in an engineering field can easily boost your value by $10-20K. Aside from the great pay-off, holding a graduate degree will also greatly enhance your chances of earning a managerial position on the projects you would embark on.
Petroleum, computer, electrical and computer, electrical, chemical, and biomedical are the top fields of engineering with the highest early and mid-career salaries for people with graduate degrees.