11 Things That Make Your Body Age Faster


11 Things That Make Your Body Age Faster – If you sit for more than 8 hours every day, you may look 8 years older. Loneliness and a lack of friends can also cause fast aging and other health problems. There are some things we may not even think about that can affect our appearance.


We at Lestta compiled some things that may cause early aging so that you can start preventing them today. At the end of this article, you can find a bonus feature about a little tip that can help you to stay younger for longer.

1. You sit more than 8 hours a day.

11 Things That Make Your Body Age Faster
11 Things That Make Your Body Age Faster

People who sit most of the day and get no exercise are biologically 8 years older than their actual age. This statement was proven true by researchers who tested 1,500 women and determined it may be connected to our DNA. Prolonged sitting may shorten the length of chromosomes.

Shortened chromosomes can also lead to some diseases. Because of this, researchers recommend having at least 30 minutes of exercises a day and taking a break from sitting every 30 minutes.

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