5 Unique Health Benefits of Black Tea


Heart Health

5 Unique Health Benefits of Black Tea
5 Unique Health Benefits of Black Tea

That’s right: drinking black tea can improve your cardiovascular health. Black tea, a plant polyphenol, has no shortage of antioxidants and is particularly abundant in flavonoids. Because they prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, research shows flavonoids lowers a person’s risk of heart disease.


For improved heart health, health experts suggest consuming at least three cups of black tea per day. Black tea flavonoids can reduce clots. As if that’s not enough of an incentive, the manganese in black tea is shown to help cardiac muscle function which reduces the risk for coronary heart disease.

When consumed regularly, black tea can be part of a healthy, preventative, well-balanced diet. Preventative healthcare is getting more air-time in the medical world. Nurses are leading the charge through education and can be a trusted resource to answer your questions about the nutritional qualities of various foods.

