5 Foods That Rot Your Teeth More Than Candy



 5 Foods That Rot Your Teeth More Than Candy
5 Foods That Rot Your Teeth More Than Candy

Coffee — the beverage that has spawned many controversial studies and opinions. One thing’s for sure though, coffee can stain your teeth like no other food can. The brown stains on your coffee mug are a pretty accurate representation of what prolonged coffee consumption can do to your teeth. In fact, coffee stains are shown to be even more stubborn than tobacco stains and can lead to major discoloration. Over time, coffee-stained teeth are also more sticky and prone to food particles and bacteria.


Switching to using a straw can help prevent staining of teeth as well. However, if you’re drinking sugary drinks still rinse your mouth as the contact point will then be the back molars which are more likely to contract cavities. You could also try some natural teeth cleaning home remedies, like putting bananas on your teeth to reduce staining.

You may not be able to give up your morning cup of joe, remember to gargle thoroughly after you’re done with your coffee. Make sure you’re brushing correctly and regularly — a minimum of twice a day.

