5 Useful Meals and Snacks Rich In Magnesium


5. A Magnesium Supplement

 Meals and Snacks Rich In Magnesium

And lastly, while not actually a snack, as part of your wind-down routine, mag’s magnesium supplement can be taken daily with water. With jujube and pharmaGABA, the pioneering sleep formula promotes deep and restorative sleep, helping to calm the mind and promote relaxation. It can help you fall asleep faster with magnesium in your bedtime routine, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling rejuvenated.


With a 200- to 250-calorie snack about 30 minutes before bed, there’s nothing wrong with adding about 70 percent whole carbs and 30 percent either fat or protein for a balanced snack to keep it light. So whether you go for the banana or the dark chocolate, you can rest easy knowing that your bedtime snack helps your sleep quality.
