15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes Good for Your Liver and Kidney

15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes
15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes

4. Spelt-Flax Crackers With Sunflower Seed Pate

How do seeds help keep your detoxification organs and systems running smoothly? Turns out these teeny tiny morcels carry a heavy load of magnesium — which supports the nervous system — and healthy fats — which lubricate the body and promote lymph flow! This Spelt-Flax Crackers With Sunflower Seed Pate recipe by Courtney West not only offers a healthy dose of sunflowers, but it’s also a great source of flax.

15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes
15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes

5. Beet ‘n’ Berry Overnight Cauliflower Oats

Oatmeal is an excellent way to start the day, plus they “may be especially helpful for the liver” due to beta-glucans, which “help reduce the amount of fat stored in the liver.” This Beet ‘n’ Berry Overnight Cauliflower Oats recipe by Tara Sunshine also includes lots of berries, which are a great antioxidant-rich support food for the kidneys and the lymphatic system.

15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes
15 Detoxing Plant-Based Recipes

6. Spinach Artichoke Quesadillas

More dark leafy greens for your kidneys! Plus, spinach offers a whole dose of iron on top of all those antioxidants. This Spinach Artichokes Quesadillas recipe by Rene Barker is great for a quick and healthy snack chock full of healthy fat, vitamins, and minerals!

