7 Foods That Improve Lymphatic Flow and Keep Body Balanced


7 Foods Improve Lymphatic Flow and Keep Body Balanced!! Your lymphatic system is one of the many important cleansing parts of your body, along with your liver. Both of these systems keep your blood healthy, your digestive system humming, and help the body detox from harmful substances the natural way that nature intended it to do. However, sometimes lifestyle choices that don’t serve us well or harmful foods can all cause a slow down of lymph, which is a fluid that goes through your body and is part of your cardiovascular system. But lymph affects all parts of the body and is affected by others, such as the digestive system, as well.

View your blood and digestive system as something that needs your help daily by eating beneficial foods and consuming water-rich drinks to keep it moving well, along with the regular activity. While exercise and even hot showers and massage can all stimulate lymph flow, food choices shouldn’t be ignored.


Signs your lymphatic system may need some assistance include headaches, sluggishness, inflammation, poor digestion, mucous build-up, and general stiffness. Be sure to avoid dairy foods that slow the lymph down, along with processed foods, sugary foods, and foods high in oils. These can all be clogging to the body, while the foods below all possess natural cleansing properties that also energize you to keep you moving. Since movement acts as a pump for the lymphatic system, you just can’t go wrong with these foods!

We also highly recommend downloading the Food Monster App  — with over 15,000 delicious recipes it is the largest meatless, vegan, plant-based and allergy-friendly recipe resource to help you get healthy! 


1. Citrus

7 Foods That Improve Lymphatic Flow and Keep the Body Balanced
7 Foods Improve Lymphatic Flow and Keep Body Balanced

Citrus is one of the most detoxifying foods you can eat, specifically lemons, limes, navel oranges, tangerines, blood oranges, and grapefruit. These foods all possess powerful enzymes, along with Vitamin C, that support the body and keeps digestion flowing. Enjoy one -three servings of these daily, whether that’s the whole fruit as a part of a meal or snack, the juice squeezed into water or onto salads or entrees, or wedges of the fruit used in smoothies. Be sure to buy organic since toxic chemicals lie in the peels. Citrus fruits are also good for your liver, so they’re just overall great when trying to keep your body running smoothly.

Go to the next page for further foods.
